When Enough Is All You Need

There will come a time in your life when you've reached the point of ENOUGH. You will wake up one morning tired of being tired and sick of being sick. It's only at this point words that were spoken years ago start to sink in and you will start getting serious about owning your own happiness, getting your finances together, and being intentional about your love life.

How serious you ask?

You will not allow everyone and everything access to your personal space. Your finances will become a priority. And, you will no longer believe that living paycheck to paycheck is a normal way of life and just excepting whoever comes along is responsible for your happiness. No longer will you find pleasure in those late-night text messages or the dead-end dating cycles. Your spiritual discipline that you've placed on the back burner day in day out will be VITAL to your endurance and will be the air you breathe on a daily basis.

When ENOUGH comes over you, it's at this very point you've made the decision most have yet to arrive at. You've taken the first step to invest in self-care, self-love and you've made the conscious decision to not just waste away with merely existing in this world. So, If you've read this far growing the right way is something that you come to desire and embrace.

Allow this Open Love Letter to be the fresh wind you need to learn how to grow the right way. It's never too late to start living and loving the best part of you.

The RESET Program is life-changing. It's time to work. Let's RESET!

Ms. Unapologetically Me

Lyane Nannette

Personal Development Consulting for Individuals and Small Businesses


How We Respond Matters


She Loves Him and He Loves Her